Sunday, August 23, 2009

Orange County Fair!

We went to the Orange County Fair and had a ton of fun. I ate the best snow cone ever and had a corn dog and carmeled apple...delicious! Devin had a gigantic turkey leg. Colton got to take his first ferris wheel ride. Devin did that game where you hit the hammer as hard as you can and won me a stuffed animal. (We won't mention how big it was to protect his pride.)

All Smiles!

I love Colton so much. He has been smiling so much lately and it's the most adorable thing in the world. I love being a mommy. He makes me so happy.

More Hawaii Friends In Town!

We were so fortunate to have met up with Anna, Zane, and baby Delmer, our friends from Hawaii! It's been so great to see so many friends coming into town lately! We got to meet Delmer for the first time and he is absolutely adorable! It's so funny how Colton is totally pointing to Delmer in the top picture! I miss Hawaii and all our friends there...I want to move back. Boo hoo.

Colton's First Kiss!

Katie & Brent and their baby Eliza (our friends from Hawaii) came to town and we met up with them for dinner. Colton had his first kiss from Eliza, she couldn't keep her hands off him! It was love at first sight. It was so good to see them!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Colton's First Photoshoot

Thank you Amy for once again providing us with pictures that we will cherish forever! Colton turned one MONTH old two days ago on August 2nd! I took him to the doctor's yesterday because he has a herniated belly button. He is in the 82nd percentile for his weight so I think we will have quite the chunkers on our hands! (I'm so excited for the growing rolls to plump up!) In 2 weeks we are flying to North Carolina for a lake trip! My sister-in-law Whitney's family has a couple lake houses and we'll be staying there. I'm a little nervous to fly with a 6 week old baby, I hope he doesn't get fussy. If anyone has traveling tips I'd love to hear them! On Thursday we met up with Katie and Brent and their baby girl Eliza. It was so fun to see them, we officially wanna move back to Hawaii. I miss my Hawaii friends! They are the most awesome girls and a couple have moved back to the mainland but there are some still there. We should all move back and have things the way they were! (I wish I could have gone to that surf video date night with you guys!) This past weekend we had Devin's cousin Brittany's wedding and on Sunday we had Kyla's baby blessing.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Colton Update

This weekend Colton got to meet his Auntie Jackie and Uncle Chris from Hawaii and their twins, Dexter and Darla! We were so excited to catch up with them! We met up at Justin and Natalie's (Devin's brother's house) and Colton also got to meet some of his cousins for the first time! Colton has been smiling alot more lately, it's absolutely adorable! He's so hilarious with all of his grunting and growling and the funny faces he makes! I'm loving being a mommy to this cute little guy, I never want him to grow up. It makes me sad to think he won't be this small forever. He never cries when I give him baths, which is a good sign for our future little surfer dude...he loves water! On Saturday my cousin Amy took some "newborn baby" pics for a birth announcement and they turned out super cute! She is so creative and so talented! I will post some in the near future. Colton still wants to meet all his other "Hawaii" friends and his Uncle Cameron whose on a mission!

Friday, July 17, 2009

2 Weeks Old!

First bath!
Great Grandma Beth

His cord finally fell off! Gotta love that belly!
Yesterday Colton turned 2 weeks old! His umbilical cord fell off yesterday as well, so today I gave him another bath and didn't have to stress about getting that thing wet. Colton seems to have put on some weight in the last couple weeks. I'm learning how to prioritize my time with a baby that has his own schedule. I eat and do everything when he lets me, it's definitely something new! I wonder how people survive when they already have kids and add a baby to the mix! He is so funny and every once in a while he smiles (yes, I know, it's apparently just gas) and it's the most adorable thing in the world. I've gotten to sleep pretty well because I make sure to sleep when he sleeps. He is so fun to cuddle and kiss all day long. He is a well behaved baby that cries for the basics. We love Colton so much and we are really enjoying being parents! I've recovered fairly well thus far. I'm still tender but I've been able to go on walks with the baby. Life is good!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Labor + Delivery

On Wednesday night we went to bed with the anticipation of waking up the next morning to be at the hospital at 8 am to be induced into labor. However, our baby decided to spice things up a bit and my water broke early Thursday morning at about 1:50 am! Luckily our bags were packed and ready to go since we were planning to be at the hospital later on that day. I immediately called labor and delivery and told them my water broke and they told me to come to the hospital right away. By the time we arrived at the hospital I still hadn't had any contractions. They put us in our labor room and put the fetal heart rate monitor on me and told us to try to get some sleep. That's when my contractions began, while Devin was sound alseep. Since they were still bearable I let Devin sleep and I eventually somehow fell asleep myself for an hour or two. As the contractions got worse, the baby's heart rate continued to take a dive during each contraction. They had me on oxygen and I was getting more and more dilated and had reached 7 cm. They told me once I hit 5 cm I would likely dilate 1 cm each hour. Unfortunately, I stopped dilating once I hit 7 cm. The contractions were getting very painful at this time and I started to hyperventilate/have an anxiety attack. My hands, face, and legs were tingling and my hand muscles were contracting, (on top of the increasingly painful contractions) so I decided it was time for the epidural. Once that came I could relax a little bit. Then they had to put a device on the baby's scalp to monitor the heart rate closer because it was continuing to dive with the contractions. The other problem was that the baby would not come down low, he was up at -1 so my doctor told me they may have to do a C-section. I was in shock when she told me that. I was in no way mentally prepared to hear that, I was so scared! Devin was so great and such a support through the entire labor. My doctor talked with a few other doctors and they all agreed that with my situation a C-Section was safest for the baby. They took me in for surgery very soon after telling me this news, and the baby arrived shortly after! Finally seeing little Colton was one of the happiest moments of my life. Devin held my hand through the surgery and he videod the baby being pulled out. Colton is such an angel, he's the perfect baby. I don't want him to grow or change at all, I wish he could stay like this forever! He is so precious and we love him so much. We are constantly entertained by the faces he makes. He is our pride and joy and we are soooooo HAPPY! I am still very tender and sore, but Colton keeps me smiling. We are so grateful to our Heavenly Father who sent us this beautiful baby boy and we feel so blessed!