Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Colton's First Photoshoot

Thank you Amy for once again providing us with pictures that we will cherish forever! Colton turned one MONTH old two days ago on August 2nd! I took him to the doctor's yesterday because he has a herniated belly button. He is in the 82nd percentile for his weight so I think we will have quite the chunkers on our hands! (I'm so excited for the growing rolls to plump up!) In 2 weeks we are flying to North Carolina for a lake trip! My sister-in-law Whitney's family has a couple lake houses and we'll be staying there. I'm a little nervous to fly with a 6 week old baby, I hope he doesn't get fussy. If anyone has traveling tips I'd love to hear them! On Thursday we met up with Katie and Brent and their baby girl Eliza. It was so fun to see them, we officially wanna move back to Hawaii. I miss my Hawaii friends! They are the most awesome girls and a couple have moved back to the mainland but there are some still there. We should all move back and have things the way they were! (I wish I could have gone to that surf video date night with you guys!) This past weekend we had Devin's cousin Brittany's wedding and on Sunday we had Kyla's baby blessing.


Grandpa said...

I really do have a cute grandson.

j,d and little b said...

Don't worry about the plane flight.. I know it's soooo hard not to though! I didn't even want to get on the plane with Brighton, I was freaking out! But the plane makes PERFECT white noise and he is at the age where he can sleep through anything! Bring LOTS of extra diapers and onesies... planes seem to make babies have more frequent and more massive blowOUTS! Also I tried to keep Brighton covered with a Blanket while I held her... like with a hooter hider to help keep away the germs. I am not sure if it was effective but she didn't get sick because if it! Have fun on your trip.. you will be SO glad you did it!

Jamie said...

I just flew with my little one and the best advice I would give you is to make sure he is sucking on something (pacifier or finger) throughout the take-off and landing to help with the pressure in the ears. It can be quite painful if the pressure builds up too much and takes awhile to pop. Good luck!

The Tafuna Family said...

Love the pics.
Plane ride - nurse him when taking off and landing, it stops his ears from hurting/popping. If he gets super fussy, take him into the bathroom, the lights and mirrors distract them. And don't stress, or he'll stress!!!

Unknown said...

I agree, nurse when taking off and landing. And don't worry, flying with a baby this young is SO much easier than when they're older babies who just want to move around :) They basically just sit there and sleep on your lap. Enjoy your vacation!!

Unknown said...

Oh and one more thing that has helped me...
If he gets fussy, just keep reminding yourself that a majority of those people are parents and have been through your exact same situation, so they are more empathetic than annoyed. So many people comment to me when I travel with Lyla how they remember "those days", haha!

Whit said...

Oh, man. I'm so glad you guys decided to come. It's going to be a blast and my sisters are going to freak out when they see how cute Colton is! :)

Chris & Jackie Kontoes said...

Wait..wait...now it is time for you guys to move back to HAWAII. This is your new home...and you have been gone too long. The saturday beach days are on hold until you return.

P.s. if you need a place to stay when you come out you are always welcome here. We live upstairs and have a guest room and NO it is not the tiki hut....I swear.

Meg said...

So cute! Please come back to Hawaii, we miss you! Sorry I have been slacking on my blog, I just haven't felt like posting. I posted a cute new pic of Indie and there are more to come I promise. Love you guys! Please promise to come visit in November!

Oh, and as for flying with Colton, he will just sleep. They are so much easier to fly with when they can't move. I just flew back from Utah with Indie and it was crazy. She did not want to hold still. We did lots of laps up and down the isles. We did take a nursing break in the bathroom where she finally fell asleep. So that is a good hide out if you need it.

ann-marie said...

We love the pictures! Colton is adorable and you guys look so happy. :) He still looks so small and cute but I am sure to you guys he has grown tons already. :) Well hope all is going well and hopefully we can see you guys soon