Saturday, February 6, 2010

He's Baaaaack!

Welcome Home Cambo!
Last week Cameron, my younger brother, came home from serving a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He was in the Bahia Blanca Argentina Mission. Colton was so excited to meet his Uncle and we are stoked to have the family all together again!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Colton's 6 Month Stats

I'm a little behind...Colton turned 6 months old on January 2nd.


Weight: 19 lbs. 11 oz.


Lenght: about 27 inches


Colton now sits up on his own.

He has his front 2 bottom teeth.
He is a rolly polly. (Loves to roll around)

He is very talkative.

He says mama and dada sometimes.

Loves it when I sing the ABC's.

Loves his giraffe pillow in his crib.

Loves to chew on straws.

Smiles for the camera!

These are all pics from our week in Hawaii.

Girls Only Surf Sesh!

I spent this past week in Hawaii with some of my best friends! Jackie called me Saturday and I booked a flight for the very next day. She wanted me out there to surprise Katie and Jonna for their birthday. It was such a fun week! Colton came with me but, unfortunately, Devin had to go to work. We had some fun surf sessions, one of which we had a North Shore photographer come, Mark Holladay, and take some pictures. To see more check out his website at I miss Hawaii so much and I wish we could move back there. I love those girls so much and I wish I got to hang out with them more often!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby Cardiyogalates and the Beach!

Last week I went to Stephanie's Baby Cardioyogalates class. It was alot of fun and I'm going to start going every Tuesday. I also went today! After class last week I went with Katie and Stephanie to the beach with our babies and got Pedro's for lunch. Eliza was so cute, she gave Colton lots of kisses on the forehead. If you are interested in attending the class go to

I Love To Bounce!!!

Colton is hilarious in his jumper. He cracks me up and entertains me whenever he's in it. He is full of energy and I have about 100 videos of him in it bouncing away with a big smile on his face. He is very talkative as he bounces too!

Happy New Years!

We had such a fun New Year's Eve! Stephanie and Carrie threw and awesome party to celebrate and it was such a fun surprise to see so many Hawaii friends. Plus Katie and Brent were in town & Lexi...woohoo! It was a blast! Great games, dancing, food, and fireworks...a midnight kiss...what more can you ask for?

Christmas Morning Part 2!

Colton, your not supposed to eat your presents silly!
Grandma and Grandpa gave him a jumper!
This was my "woohoo, it's Christmas morning!" dance.
My mom got Whitney and I these awesome PJs from Victoria's Secret
After opening presents at the Dicksons, we went to my parents house (only 5 minutes away) and opened presents with my family. We also got to talk to Cameron, my brother who's on a mission in Argentina for the LDS church. He comes home in about 2 weeks!!! After hanging with the Glassmans we went to see the Squeekuel with the Dicksons and then went back for dinner that Devin's mom made for us. Then we went back to my parents house and hung out for a little while and played some ping pong.

Christmas Morning!

Awww, family smiley/sleepy faces! (We just woke up)
Colton's First Christmas!
He loved wrapping and tissue paper! (as much as the gifts)
Playing with toys and cousin Kyla
This was possibly the best Christmas ever! It was so fun having Colton in addition to our family this year. Christmas morning we woke up with all of the Dicksons and opened presents. We woke up to my nieces and nephews screaming "Santa came!" I was thinking about letting Colton sleep a little longer, but when I peaked at him he was so sleepy looking but wide awake! It was so cute, he was ready to open presents!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas Eve 2009

Mom, Grandma, Me
Aunt Chrystal's House
Devin was pulling a Britney Spears and letting Colton drive
Colton and Aunt Kiki had matching Paul Frank footie pajamas
My parents had my entire mom's side of the family over for Christmas Eve. We had so much fun this year with our family. Devin and Whitney came to town for the holiday and so the only one missing was Cameron. (he gets back from his mission in two and a half weeks) As tradition my mom got our family pajamas that we got to unwrap and wear Christmas Eve. Whitney and I got cute Victoria Secrets flannel and Colton got cute Paul Frank pjs. After the party at my parents, we stopped by Devin's Aunt Chrystal's to catch the end of the Dickson's Christmas Eve party and then headed to Devin's parents house where the entire Dickson clan spent the night. That's right...all 8 grandchildren and the 5 kids and their spouses!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Thomanders!

Can you tell Indie was happy to see us?

Today was AWESOME because we got to hang out with Meg, Corbin, and Indie! They are some of our best friends from Hawaii and we MISS them! We've had so many good times with them surfing, playing cards, sleepovers and barbeques. Awwwww, we LOVE you guys!

My messy eater!

This was a particularly messy eating session. Colton kept trying to grab onto the bowl and spoon. He also kept putting his hand in his mouth and wiping the rice cereal all over his face. It was too funny!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My little cuddle bug!

I love waking up to this smiling face! I kiss his cheeks about a thousand times each morning!

I hate tummy time!

My little chunkers is not a fan of tummy time...still!

Devin's 26th Birthday and Hanukkah

Saturday was Devin's Birthday! We went to hanukkah in the afternoon and then at night we watched the UFC fight with a few friends. My Aunt Shelley got Devin an amazing cake with surfboards on it! On Sunday we spoke in our new ward so we had quite a busy weekend.

5 months!

On Dec. 2nd Colton turned 5 months old! My little chunkers is such a joy to be around! I love him soooo much. He's been pretty good considering the fact that he is teething. Yep! He's already got one of his bottom teeth popping in and I can see two big ole' front teeth that want to come though too. He is just so precious and we love him so much!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We went to Devin's parents house for Thanksgiving this year. Dinner was delicious and I ate myself into a coma. Colton enjoyed playing with his cute cousin Kyla. Later that night we went over to the Glassman Thanksgiving dinner with my Dad's side of the family. We had a great time spending the holiday with our loved ones.