Monday, March 23, 2009


A couple weeks ago we went to SeaWorld with my sister-in-law Dawn and Natalie and each of their 3 kids. Devin's mom and sister, Chanel, were there too and it was so cute to watch the our nieces and nephews have so much fun. We were so exhausted by the end of the day!
My childhood SeaWorld memory-
When I was about 6 years old at SeaWorld with my family I was eating a churro and a seagull swooped down, clawed my face (leaving a scratch), and stole my churro from me. I started crying and some people crowded around me, including my parents, asking if I was okay. I cried, but only because I wanted another churro!


Steph said...

Hey Shira! No worries about Friday. We'll hang out soon enough. I was mother-it-law taught me how to make really easy baby blankets. Maybe when we hang out next we can bust some out! So domesticated!! Let me know when a good day for u is and we'll plan on it. April 2 I have a wedding to go to but that's about all.

Chris & Jackie Kontoes said...

great post but I cant see your belly!

I love love love your Childhood memories!! They always crack me up.

j,d and little b said...

haha those crazy seagulls! For some reason when i was reading the post I didn't see that it was a "childhood memory" and thought that had JUST happened...I didn't get it until I read Jackies comment... still pretty funny though