Wednesday, November 4, 2009

BYU Football's #1 Fan!

Thanks Grandpa Mark for my awesome BYU football jersey! When I'm older you'll have to take me to my first game!

Colton's First Halloween!

Our little monkey
Colton kept a tight grip on his candy basket
My sister-in-law Natalie with her daughter Kyla the kitty
His first big candy bar
Devin holding our tired monkey

On Halloween night we went up to Devin's parents house so Colton could trick-or-treat with his cousins. He was so adorable in his costume and we had a fun night of eating candy and pumpkin seeds.


We went to our ward's trunk-or-treat Halloween party last Friday night. We had a lot of junk food and swore it would end after the Halloween weekend. I love this picture because Colton is waving to the camera. He is too funny!

Visiting Daddy at Work!

Last week we went to visit Devin at work and, in the theme of Halloween, we brought pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and candy. Colton wore his monkey costume and even held on to his pumpkin jack-o-lantern all by himself.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thanks Uncle Cameron!

Thanks for the cool jersey Uncle Cameron! Me gusta futbol! I can't wait for you to get home from your mission in January so I can finally meet you!

Colton At 3 1/2 Months

Colton is the biggest sweetheart.
He is a blessing in our lives.
His legs are getting so cute and chunky.
He is so talkative and giggly.
He's a little high maintenance with wanting to be held all the time and I have to be standing up and facing him out so he can see everyone else.
Loves to chew and suck on his hand and mine.
Usually sleeps through our daily walks.
Won't take formula.
Loves to be swaddled for bedtime.
Going a little bald in some places. Tear.
Is super smiley, especially right when he wakes up in the morning and sees me.
Loves bath time and loves me to spray water in his mouth.
Watches Baby Einstein in the mornings so I can eat breakfast.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Getty Villa

We enjoyed a nice long Columbus day weekend. Friday night we went out to dinner with my parents. Saturday we went to see Harry Potter which I've wanted to see ever since it came out. I couldn't go though because Colton was so little. He was very well behaved in the theaters with us. After the movie we hung out with Dawn and Jimmy. On Sunday night Devin went camping with Johnny Rosell and they surfed together Monday morning. When Devin got back Monday morning we went to the Getty Villa in Malibu. It's sad when the current knowledge we had of Greek and Roman times was mostly from movies like "The Gladiator", "Troy", and Disney's "Hercules". We left enlightened. After the Villa we drove around Malibu and checked out the Pepperdine campus. Then we drove to the Santa Monica pier and did some shopping at the Promenade over there and got dinner at Johnny Rockets where Colton was given his first balloon by our server. What a great weekend!

A Good Read.

Trust me.
This book is worth reading.
It's a page turner.
You won't regret it.
There's a second book after this one.
It's called Catching Fire.
I started it yesterday...
so good so far!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oh Sweet Colton!

Colton loves to hang with Cousin Dane
Colton playing with Cousin Kyla
Colton's new favorite toy giraffe from Great-Grandma Sharon
I love to snuggle him in this towel from Auntie Kiki!
Colton recently found his hands and has enjoyed sucking on them. He basically tries to stick his whole fist in his mouth. He has also started drooling a lot more! He has been using his voice a lot and smiling soooo much. He started watching Baby Einstein in the morning while I eat breakfast and I'm so grateful that it holds his attention.

The Rock Show

A couple weeks ago we went to see Taking Back Sunday, Weezer, and Blink 182 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine. The show was so much fun and the bands all performed great live! I highly recommend trying to see one of these bands live, especially Weezer! It was the longest we had left the baby, my mom babysat for us. We definitely missed Colton but we had a great time having some alone time.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Colton's Baby Blessing and 2 Month Stats

Last Sunday was Colton's baby blessing. It was such a special day and it was great to have so many family and friends there to share it with.
Colton had his 2 month doctor's visit on Wednesday September 2nd. Here are his stats:
Weight- 12 pounds 11 ounces (in the 76%)
Height- 23 inches long (in the 54%)

Bel-air Pool Party/Golfing

Last weekend we went to Bel-air for a pool party with the Dickson Family. Kiki's boyfriend Matt barbequed chicken, sausage, and tri-tip steak...delicious! It was so fun hanging with the family and relaxing in the salt water pool. Saturday night we hung out with my brother Devon and his wife Whitney. We got dinner with my parents and then went to the driving range.