Wednesday, February 27, 2008

LA Galaxy Game

Last week Devin and I went to see the LA Galaxy soccer team play at the Aloha Stadium. We both were most interested in seeing David Beckham play. He was an amazing player and clearly the best on the team. He made it look so easy. Of course I'd win if we played a game against each other, but I give him props because it'd definitely be a close call. It was fun to be with our friends and spit some seeds. The best part of the night was when we saw David Beckham after the game. We saw him walking towards his bus (of course he was the last player on the team to get on) and I ended up getting his autograph and his picture and a video of him signing his autograph for me. In the video I tell him "good game" and he looks up at me and says..."thank you". Good times!

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