Thursday, March 7, 2013

December 2, 2012

Happy Sunday!
P.s.  I love my family!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Catching up life in November

Father/son day at Knott's

At the park with Uncle Tanner

Brekyn always helps Colton carry his lunch pail or backpack to and from preschool.

Celebrating Natalie's 30th Birthday!

Thanksgiving Day

On Thanksgiving Day I had food poisoning and an allergic reaction, so I ended up in urgent care.  Devin took the kids with some of the Dicksons to Knott's and they had fun getting extra attention!

Early Thanksgiving

We celebrated an early Thanksgiving with the Dickson's since some family were going out of town.  Natalie cooked up a delicious feast and we celebrated her birthday.

November 17th, Ten Buck Chuck

Devin was in a longboarding surf competition at San Onofre called the 10 Buck Chuck.  The kids enjoyed cheering daddy on.  

That night we went to Farrell's with Amy & Tyler and Bri & Cameron.  It was the first time we couldn't finish our ice-cream!  It was a massive oreo sundae.

November 16th

We met up with my in-laws and Aunt Kiki & cousin Fletcher at Knott's for a day of fun.  Colton was so excited when he saw Grandpa was there!

November fun...

 A little breakfast date with Brekyn.  

An afternoon at Chuck-E-Cheese's

An afternoon date with my little boyfriend.

Bounce House

Grandma Dickson took cousin Fletcher and the kids to an awesome bounce house place.  Brekyn loved to bounce on the Rody and Colton loved all the slides and the floating baseball.

Pants off...

November 6th was another warm winter day.  So naturally, Colton ended up with his pants off.  We went for smoothies and apparently since the splash pad statues had no pants, Colton took his off.

Back in November...

This was an impromptu beach day since we had a few warm days!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cinderella & Captain Jack Sparrow

 Cousin Fletcher, the muscle man

Halloween is one of my favorite nights to be a parent.  I get to watch my children happier than ever as they trick-or-treat.  I get to take pictures of them in their adorable costumes.  Then, to top the night off, I get to eat candy and relax as they sleep off their sugar crash.  
This year we went to the Dickson's for the night.  We ate barbecued chili dogs for dinner and then trick-or-treated early before Devin left for class.  Colton also found Grandma's candy stash so he helped pass out candy to trick-or-treaters.  Brekyn kept stealing Fletcher's candy out of his little car.