Monday, October 8, 2012

October 4th

We had a park play-date with cousin Brylee Sue last week.  We walked around the park and Colton got to scooter around with us and observe the ducks and geese.  Brekyn enjoyed sliding and swing with Brylee.  Colton would only let Aunt Kimberly push him on the swing.

 This girls new obsession is yogurt.  She typically uses her spoon but she must have dropped it and decided her hand worked just fine.

With the endless heat, these kids have been frequently playing in the backyard with the hose.  Hence the soaking wet clothes.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fall beach day

Last weekend we headed to Balboa Island for a beach day.  Last week was unbelievably hot for the end of September.  I have never been more ready for winter!!!  With Devin in his MBA program, the kids are in heaven when he has time to play on the weekends.

My dear Brekyn

Ice cream date after her doctor's appointment. 
Her big toe kept cramping & flexing down and she started limping, so we went to see a Pediatric Orthopaedic Specialist.  He recommended we tape her toe to a couple others and she has been fine for the last week.

 Brekyn loves to hold her hand to her ear and say "hello" (for her is heh-wo) like she's answering the phone.

 Brekyn loves shoes!  She likes to wear them even when she doesn't have clothes on.  A few days ago, she grabbed her shoes and handed them to me and said "shoes".  Then she sat in my lap and I put them on for her.  Afterwards, she stood up and said "bye, bye".  She was ready to leave to the park and knew she had to get her shoes on before we left.  She's so grown up!

She loves to wear Colton's Lightning McQueen helmet and this is how she "rides" his scooter.

These are not my most flattering pictures.  However, they are so dear to me because Devin captured me dead asleep and this cute girl so badly wanted me to wake up to play.  I love her snuggling me and looking down on me.

So just to sum up this sweet little girl...
Brekyn turned 17 months old on September 25th.  On her own, a few of the words she says are bye bye, car, hi, hello, daddy, Colton, cheese, no, and ball.  She will also repeat several words when prompted.  She loves to dance, even in the car.  She loves to point and boss me around.  She has been enjoying eating with utensils and claps for herself.  She loves the beach, and playing in the pool.  She is obsessed with putting multiple pajama bottoms and tops on her arms and head.  If she gets in my swim suit drawer, she'll dangle them from each of her limbs.  Watching her and Colton playing together are the most endearing moments.  They have so much fun and they love to make each other laugh. I'm not ready for another baby quite yet, but watching them giggle makes me not want to space out the 3rd child too much.  This girl melts my heart and I have never loved anything more than my sweet little family.  Being a parent is the hardest work I've ever endured, but also the most rewarding.  Nothing makes me happier than kisses, laughs, and snuggle time!  So grateful for the blessing of family!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ice cream date with Grandma!

Grandma Laurel, or as Colton calls her, "Grandma Raurel" treated us to ice cream last week.  Cousin Fletcher and Aunt Kiki joined us also.  Colton somehow conned Laurel into giving him her ice cream too, so he was in heaven!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Palm Springs with the Dickson family

The weekend of the 15th we went down to Palm Springs with Devin's side of the family for some quality time with them in the sun.  The first day was at Soak City and the second day we hung out at the water park at out hotel.  The hotel had watersides, a lazy river, a splash pad, pools, and a mini beach area.  Devin and I actually got to relax and lay down as we watched Colton and Brekyn play in the sand.  Whenever they got bored, we'd take them for a few laps on the lazy river in our water tubes. 

September 1st-13th

 Taking her time as she eats a chocolate cupcake to celebrate Dane & Dustin's birthday!

 This girl is not afraid of the water.  She will wade in the water waste deep no problem.

 Spending some quality time with my parents before they left to Korea.

Just your average park day.  Full of smiles!

Family Time

At the beginning of the month we spent some time as a family at a nearby theme park.  The kids had fun running around and going on rides.

August Part 2

 Tanner and Kyle both had their farewell talks in church as they both left in September to serve as missionaries for the LDS church.

Brekyn playing with her dress ups for the first time.  Apparently she's not a big fan of fairy wings. 

Colton absolutely loves to help me out in the kitchen.

Brekyn is very animated and her facial expressions are constantly making me laugh. 

 Goodbye binky!  She has fallen off the wagon a few times but this time she is done for good!

Devin is always thinking of new ways to entertain the kids.


We joined the Rex's for a barbecue at the Rosell's.  Carly and Colton holding hands and kissing was such a tender moment.