Friday, May 7, 2010

Colton's 10 Month Stats!

I was a month late for his 9 months check-up, so we went for a 10 month check-up.
28 3/4 inches- 50th percentile
22 lbs 8 oz- 75th percentile
Colton started crawling at nine and a half months.
He immediately started pulling himself up to stand from there and now he is getting into everything.
This has to be my favorite age because Colton's personality has been developing more.
He is so funny and entertaining.
He claps all the time.
He waves hi.
He gives kisses. (More of a lean in for them.)
When I hear him in his room in the morning, he is usually standing and holding onto the crib when I come in.


Meg said...

Indie say's "Colton hot buns!" We miss you guys already! We had such a blast with you guys, and want you to move back!

Whit said...

HAHA I love the naked pic. He is gonna love when you show his girlfriends that pic... lol! can't wait to see you guys! it's been WAY too long and Colton is growing up WAY too fast!

Steph said...

Love this little man!

lindsey said...

Love these pictures. He is such a happy little guy! So cute:)